Frequently Asked Question

I forgot my username and/or password
Last Updated 4 years ago

To retrieve your password, please go to and click the "Click here to reset password" link below the login form. Your login credentials will be sent to your email address within 5 minutes.

If you don't remember your username or email address used when joining Staxus, please search your email account for your details. You should have received an email from both "Staxus" and the biller that processed your payment. Both should contain your membership information.

If you cannot find these on your email or if you deleted the emails by accident, please submit a ticket here and we will email you your account information!

If you'd rather we changed the password or username to something more familiar to you, please let us know on a new ticket your desired username/password combination. If it's not already taken we'll change it for you. 

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